Purulent tonsillitis how to treat quickly in a child. How to help a child with purulent sore throat? How to treat a child with purulent tonsillitis

Acute inflammation of the pharynx and tonsils in children can occur in different forms. The most dangerous in terms of condition and consequences for the body is considered purulent course. For information on how to recognize and treat the disease in time, read this article.

Purulent tonsillitis in children develops quickly and, with insufficient attention to treatment, goes through several stages. Lack of treatment can lead to, which will give long and frequent complications, constantly weakening the child. It is possible to cure a sore throat in a purulent form in a week or 10 days, if you consult a doctor in time. Self-diagnosis will not be complete, since it is important to determine the causative agent of the disease.

The origin and treatment plan for purulent tonsillitis in a child

In most cases, the cause of the development of purulent tonsillitis in a child under three years of age and older is the penetration of infection - pathogenic bacteria can be obtained from the outside or concentrated in the oral cavity, for example, in a [carious] tooth. The causative agents are most often streptococci and similar microorganisms. has a different set of symptoms and different clinical recommendations for treatment. The effectiveness of treatment is determined primarily by the correct diagnosis and selection of drugs.

How is a purulent form of angina treated?

The purulent form of angina in children requires complex treatment:

  • suppression of the activity and reproduction of the pathogen - pathogenic microflora and bacteria;

  • exposure to the focus of the disease with antiseptic drugs;

  • removal of symptoms of general intoxication in the body;

  • control body temperature, and if necessary, reduce it.

For each task there is a set of tools that are prescribed by a doctor depending on the age, condition of the child and the course of the disease.

Diagnosis - symptoms and signs of purulent tonsillitis

How to understand that a child has acute purulent tonsillitis? To do this, you should evaluate the complex typical for all symptoms. The disease at the first stage proceeds almost the same way.

  1. There is discomfort in the throat, perspiration and burning, at first mild pain, gradually increasing when swallowing. A small child becomes restless, screams and cries, refuses to eat and drink.

  2. The temperature rises rapidly, sometimes reaching 38.5 - 39 C. With increasing intoxication, appetite disappears, the patient sleeps or dozes off. Complaints of sore throat become active and frequent.

  3. When examining the throat, redness, purulent films and plaque, swollen tonsils can be detected. Depending on the stage and form of the disease, the picture may change.

  4. The throat swells, follicles with pus appear on the tonsils (), which quickly pass into lacunar cavities with purulent fluid. A purulent smell clearly comes from the mouth. The lymph nodes under the jaw are enlarged, the voice becomes hoarse.

The main problem in diagnosing purulent tonsillitis in children is the likelihood of confusing it with the herpetic form and not recognizing chronic tonsillitis or. His cunning is that there may be no signs of a sore throat, the disease becomes similar to SARS. In cases where the doctor has doubts, a laboratory analysis of the washing of the tonsils, clinical tests of urine and blood are prescribed.

How to treat a child with purulent tonsillitis

Angina with ulcers in a child usually occurs in an acute form. At the age of up to a year, doctors insist on referral to a hospital. Children aged 2-3 years can be treated at home if there are no clearly complicating diseases and conditions. The standard treatment plan for acute purulent tonsillitis in a child includes the simultaneous use of several groups of drugs.

  1. Antibiotics to suppress the focus of bacterial development. As a rule, penicillin preparations, amoxicillin and analogues are prescribed. At the first appointment, an allergy test is mandatory. A severe form of purulent tonsillitis requires the appointment of cephalosporins. We do not indicate the names - only a doctor should make an appointment!

  2. Antiseptics in the form of rinses and sprays - with iodine, miramistin, furatsilin. These are Iodinol, Hexoral, Ingalipt, Lugol. Some rinses also have an unpleasant taste. It is allowed to use products with extracts of sage and chamomile. Some formulations may contain anesthetics to relieve sore throat. Doctors of the old school may recommend applying streptocid powder, brought to a state of thick suspension, to the tonsils.

  3. Antipyretic drugs based on paracetamol, Ibuprofen and analogues. For small children up to a year, and sometimes up to two years, rectal suppositories are prescribed. Up to 5-6 years give suspensions.

  4. The composition of the supporting complex includes vitamins and multivitamins, probiotics to maintain normal digestion. Not all doctors highly appreciate the effectiveness of immunomodulators, but they can recommend taking them.

The purpose of specific drugs and forms depends on the age of the child and individual contraindications. Do not take risks and engage in treatment according to your plan!

What can be given to children with ulcers in the throat

It is somewhat easier to quickly cure purulent sore throat in a child after 6 years than in a baby. At this age, it is possible to achieve effective gargling, apply irrigating agents, and monitor well-being by the method of questioning.

The temperature begins to drop only after 38.5 C, in infants after 38 C. Before this threshold, the body fights bacteria quite effectively.

Under the age of 3 years, you can not use sprays for sore throats and sore throats - these drugs can cause a life-threatening spasm of the larynx or pharynx! Do not use lozenges and lozenges for sore throats, as the child can swallow them, choke or damage the mucous membranes.

Older children can be given rinses of salt, iodine and soda. The use of any iodine preparations is not allowed for thyroid disorders!

Modern pharmacy remedies for purulent tonsillitis in children fully cover the need for treatment, so you can refuse to independently made solutions for rinsing and irrigating the throat.

Prevention of tonsillitis and tonsillitis in children

Frequent purulent sore throats in childhood indicate a weakening of the immune system and factors contributing to the development of the disease. It is necessary to immediately call a doctor and insist on hospitalization of children under one year of age with diabetes, asthma, bronchitis. You can not independently prescribe and change the dosage of antibiotics, sprays, the regimen of gargling with antiseptics.

For prevention, it is worth considering and excluding:

  • frequent hypothermia, careless intake of ice-cold drinks in summer;

  • finding a child among carriers of infections;

  • eating unwashed fruits;

  • the habit of breathing through the mouth in the cold.

Doctors recommend supporting the immune system with pharmaceutical products and following a normal diet, observing the generally accepted norms for maintaining the balance of essential substances. A very important condition is regular visits to the dentist and oral hygiene.

An infectious disease characterized by an inflammatory process in the palatine tonsils is called angina. It can be caused by various microorganisms, but most often the pathogens are streptococci and staphylococci, which enter the body both by contact with contaminated objects or products, and by airborne droplets. Purulent tonsillitis in a child occurs when blood circulation is disturbed in the tonsils, which leads to difficulties in supplying tissues with nutrients. Most often, a surge in incidence is observed during the periods of autumn and spring.

Purulent tonsillitis in a child: causes

Streptococci, staphylococci, as well as other bacteria, fungi and viruses that cause angina, can enter the body from the inside and outside. In the first case, the pathology is the result of chronic caries or runny nose, gum disease. In the second case, people who are already infected carry the infection. During their sneezing or coughing, bacteria enter the external environment. Factors such as reduced immunity, hypothermia, and a large amount of dust in the air can also provoke a disease in children.

Purulent tonsillitis in children: types

Pathology can be lacunar or follicular type. When inflammation occurs in the mucous lacunae. As a result of the infectious process and tissue death, pus accumulates there, which then protrudes from the gaps in the form of yellow plugs. When inflammation occurs in the follicles of the tonsils, on the mucous membrane of which formations containing pus appear. It should be noted that the pathology can be mixed and affect both lacunae and follicles at the same time.

Symptoms of purulent tonsillitis in children

After penetration into the child's body, microorganisms begin to multiply rapidly. Appear in less than a week They may appear earlier if the immune system is weakened. Purulent tonsillitis in a child begins with general weakness, headaches, chills, aching joints, slight sore throat, which leads to difficulty in swallowing. In just a few hours, the temperature rises to 38-39 degrees, the sore throat intensifies and does not stop even at rest. arches, uvula become red, and then pustules form on the surface of the tonsils. In addition, purulent tonsillitis in a child can manifest itself with symptoms such as swelling of the neck and oropharyngeal mucosa, runny nose and cough, abdominal pain, skin rashes, inflammation of the eyes, swollen lymph nodes. If treatment is not started on time or not carried out according to the rules, serious consequences may occur, including nephritis, heart problems, abscess, sepsis, rheumatism.

How to cure a purulent sore throat for a child

Do not try to treat pathology with folk remedies. Similar to may be in other, more serious diseases. Self-medication is fraught with complications and even death, therefore, if you notice a child in a child, consult a doctor. As already mentioned, purulent tonsillitis leads to fever and weakness, so bed rest is indicated during treatment. Food can only be consumed that does not injure the inflamed tonsils: cereals, mashed potatoes, broths. In large quantities, you should drink warm liquids: fruit drinks, teas, compotes. Antibiotic agents such as ampicillin, penicillin, etc. are used as drug therapy. Even when acute symptoms pass, antibiotics should be continued for some time, otherwise the infectious process may recur.

Purulent tonsillitis in children is an infectious and inflammatory process that affects the palatine tonsils and is accompanied by the appearance of a purulent plaque on their surface. The disease is widespread among people of both sexes and any age. In children, it occurs more often and is more severe, often accompanied by the development of complications. In the autumn-winter period, the incidence of purulent tonsillitis increases.

Yellow dots (festering follicles) on the surface of the tonsils - a characteristic symptom of purulent tonsillitis

Causes and risk factors

The causative agent of purulent tonsillitis in children can be various microbial agents, both viral and bacterial, but more often the disease is caused by group A β-hemolytic streptococcus (85% of all cases). The main route of transmission of the infection is airborne, but contact-household is also possible, for example, through common utensils, toys.

Factors that increase the risk of developing purulent tonsillitis in children are a decrease in general and / or local immunity, which occurs for the following reasons:

  • acute respiratory disease;
  • trauma to the tonsils;
  • the presence of a focus of chronic infection in the oral cavity (stomatitis, caries);
  • living in an area with an unfavorable ecological situation.

Forms of the disease

Depending on the cause, purulent tonsillitis in children is classified into several types:

  • primary (ordinary, or banal)- caused by pathogenic bacteria, manifested by a purulent lesion of the lymphoid tissue of the pharyngeal ring, intoxication syndrome;
  • secondary (symptomatic)- is a symptom of some other disease (leukemia, agranulocytosis, alimentary-toxic aleukia); primary manifestations of the underlying disease, tonsillitis joins later and may proceed atypically;
  • specific- purulent inflammation of the tonsils is caused by a specific microflora (gonococci, spirochetes). This form of purulent tonsillitis in children practically does not occur.

Depending on the nature and depth of the lesion of the tonsils:

  • necrotic purulent tonsillitis.

The incubation period for purulent tonsillitis in children lasts from several hours to several days. The disease begins suddenly, without a pronounced prodromal period. The child has a severe chill, against which the body temperature rises to 39-40 ° C. Symptoms of intoxication quickly increase, regional lymph nodes increase. Children complain of intense pain in the throat, which intensifies when swallowing, and therefore refuse to eat and drink.

During pharyngoscopy, the following symptoms of purulent tonsillitis in children are revealed:

  • severe hyperemia of the pharynx;
  • infiltration and swelling of the tonsils;
  • expansion of lacunae;
  • the presence of purulent discharge on the surface of the tonsils.

With follicular angina, yellow dots are clearly visible on the bright red surface of the tonsils - festering follicles. This picture is called a symptom of the "starry sky".

With the lacunar form of purulent tonsillitis, a loose purulent plaque forms on the surface of the tonsils in the lacunae. This plaque goes beyond the lacunae, but does not extend beyond the tonsils. Purulent plaque is easily removed with a cotton swab, the surface does not bleed after its removal (one of the diagnostic signs that distinguish the lacunar form from necrotic).

In children, purulent tonsillitis occurs more often and is more severe, often accompanied by the development of complications. In the autumn-winter period, the incidence increases.

The necrotic form of purulent tonsillitis in children is especially difficult. It is characterized by a pronounced intoxication syndrome:

  • confusion;
  • persistent fever;
  • repeated vomiting.

On the tonsils there is a dull dense coating of greenish-yellow or gray color with uneven, pitted edges. After removal, bleeding lymphoid tissue is found under it. The pathological process can spread to the arches, tongue, back wall of the pharynx. At the site of rejection of necrotic tissues, irregularly shaped defects 1–2 cm in diameter are subsequently formed.


Diagnosis of the disease in most cases is not difficult. It is carried out on the basis of the characteristic clinical symptoms of purulent tonsillitis in children and pharyngoscopy data.

To identify the causative agent of the disease and determine its sensitivity to antibiotics, if necessary, conduct a bacteriological examination of a smear from the tonsils.

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis in children

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis in children is carried out in most cases on an outpatient basis. Only in severe cases of the disease is hospitalization indicated in the infectious diseases or ENT department of the hospital.

Antibiotics for purulent tonsillitis in children are the main means of therapy. Macrolides, penicillins, cephalosporins are used. The duration of the course and dosage are selected by the attending physician on an individual basis. General treatment is complemented by local therapy. Gargles are prescribed with antiseptic solutions (Chlorhexidine, Furacilin) ​​or decoctions of medicinal plants (pharmacy chamomile, eucalyptus leaf, calendula flowers). In addition, antiseptic and anti-inflammatory drugs can be used in the form of a spray for irrigation of the tonsils (Faringosprey, Bioparox, Novosept). The duration and frequency of their use are also determined by the attending physician.

Rational antibiotic therapy significantly reduces the risk of developing both early and late complications of purulent tonsillitis in children.

Nutrition for purulent angina

One of the main symptoms of purulent tonsillitis in children is a severe sore throat that makes it difficult to swallow, and therefore disrupts normal food intake. In addition, a pronounced intoxication syndrome leads to a sharp decrease in appetite. Therefore, on the first day of the disease, if the child refuses to eat, one should not insist, but it is necessary to provide plenty of fluids (water without gas, tea, rosehip broth, jelly, compote, fruit drink). Drinks should be warm, not irritating the inflamed mucous membrane (it is better to refuse juices from citrus fruits, compotes and fruit drinks from sour berries). When the intensity of the symptoms subsides somewhat (usually after 1-2 days), the child's diet is expanded.

A diet for children with purulent tonsillitis is developed taking into account the following principles:

  • eat often, but in small portions;
  • food should be chopped (porridge-smear, mashed potatoes, mashed soups, soufflés);
  • meals and drinks should be at room temperature or slightly warmed up, as excessively hot or cold food increases the intensity of pain;
  • Meals should be nutritious but easily digestible. Low-fat meat dishes (preferably in the form of minced meat), cereals, thermally processed vegetables and fruits, dairy and sour-milk products are welcome.

Pickled, fatty, fried foods, spicy, spicy, heavy dishes, solid foods, carbonated drinks, confectionery should be excluded from the diet.


Prevention of the occurrence of purulent tonsillitis in children includes the following areas:

  1. Avoidance of hypothermia. Hypothermia, both general and local, leads to a deterioration in the blood supply to the tonsil tissue. In addition, a special mucous layer is formed on their surface. These factors create favorable conditions for the life of pathogenic and opportunistic microflora and can cause purulent tonsillitis in children.
  2. Hardening. Allows you to increase the resistance of the child's body to the effects of infectious factors.
  3. Dental control. At least twice a year, preventive examinations should be carried out at the dentist, and, if necessary, timely sanitation. In addition, it is important to maintain oral hygiene.
  4. Control of the ENT doctor. With difficulty in nasal breathing (rhinitis, adenoiditis, deviated nasal septum), the child switches to oral breathing instead of nasal breathing, which creates prerequisites for the development of purulent tonsillitis. Therefore, these pathological conditions require timely treatment.

If a child falls ill with purulent tonsillitis, it is necessary to take a number of preventive measures aimed at preventing infection of others:

  • isolate the patient by placing in a separate room;
  • caregivers during contact with the patient wear a gauze mask;
  • regularly ventilate the room in which the sick child is located, carry out wet cleaning 1-2 times a day;
  • allocate separate dishes for the patient, after use wash them separately from the general one, at the end of washing pour boiling water over them.

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Treatment of purulent tonsillitis in children is almost always carried out on an outpatient basis, at home after the diagnosis of the disease and the appointment of treatment by a doctor. In all cases, without exception, true angina requires the use of systemic antibiotics, while only a doctor can choose a drug that in each case will be both effective and safe.

It is important to remember that for all the severity of the course, which distinguishes purulent tonsillitis in children, its treatment is almost identical to the treatment of the disease in the catarrhal form. With the correct intake of effective antibiotics, the condition of a sick child returns to normal 2-3 days after the start of treatment, and the likelihood of complications is practically excluded.

At the same time, attempts to replace antibiotics with folk remedies, homeopathic remedies or various local antiseptics are essentially the same as no treatment at all and will most likely lead to. The task of treating purulent tonsillitis in children is to avoid these complications. The disease itself will end in any case, even without treatment, but it is antibiotic therapy that is the guarantee that angina will not have any consequences.

In any case, before treating purulent tonsillitis in children, the patient himself must be shown to the doctor for a correct diagnosis. At home, they are often confused with diseases of a completely different nature and requiring a different treatment - infectious mononucleosis or (viral diseases), or only tonsils. Such mistakes are fraught with consequences of varying severity, while drugs for sore throats will not help with the same mononucleosis, and with fungal infections they can even aggravate the child's condition.

In addition, in each case, one or another antibiotic may turn out to be ineffective and even dangerous.

Therefore, remember: you can treat purulent tonsillitis in children on your own at home, but only a doctor should diagnose the disease and choose a remedy. It is important for parents themselves to know how treatment is carried out and what regimen should be organized for a sick child.

The main treatment of purulent tonsillitis in children

Purulent tonsillitis should always be treated with antibiotics. For the treatment of children, antibiotics of the penicillin series are mainly used:

  • (including with clavulanic acid) -, Flemoklav Solutab, Amoxiclav, Augmentin, Ecobol, Ecoclave;
  • Ampicillin.

Amoxicillin-based drugs are the safest and are considered today the gold standard of treatment. In rare cases, when a child is found to be intolerant to them, azithromycin (Azitro Sandoz,), clarithromycin (mainly with a significant risk of complications), cefuroxime and some others may be prescribed.

As a rule, to cure uncomplicated purulent tonsillitis in a child, there is no need to give antibiotic injections. The above drugs (especially based on amoxicillin) act on the causative agent of angina at the same speed, and sometimes faster than antibiotics administered as injections, in general, injections do not have significant advantages over tablets. Treatment of purulent tonsillitis in a child with injections may be required only in rare cases when the baby cannot swallow, is in a faint, behaves inappropriately and spits out the oral drug.

On a note

According to Dr. Komarovsky, it is impossible to imagine that civilized doctors would treat purulent tonsillitis in children with ampicillin injections. In his opinion, the appointment of antibiotics for typical symptoms of angina - measures aimed solely at creating the illusion of serious severe treatment.

The doctor should choose how to treat purulent tonsillitis in a child based on the history of the disease, the history of the use of antibiotics in the past, the facts of the manifestations of allergies in the patient earlier, knowledge of the epidemiological situation in a particular area. In no case should you buy and use the first drug that comes across - it can be not only useless, but also dangerous, since different antibiotics cause different side effects in children, and a particular drug may be ineffective against a sore throat.

Biseptol is an example of a drug that, in principle, helps with angina, but due to toxicity and severe side effects, it is practically not used today.

On a note

Most antibiotics for sore throats can be used in children from the age of six months, some from birth. It is important for parents to understand that children in the first 6 months of life do not have tonsils at all and. It is possible, but extremely unlikely, purulent tonsillitis in a one-year-old child. Treatment in this case can be carried out only if the bacterial nature of the disease is confirmed.

A child should be treated with an antibiotic for purulent tonsillitis for exactly as many days as the doctor indicates. If the drug is effective, the next day the child feels much better, and 3-4 days after the start of taking the remedy, his condition returns to normal, although sore throats may still persist. In no case should you stop taking the antibiotic after this relief - the likelihood of complications in this case will continue.

In the photo - purulent tonsillitis on the 3rd day of treatment:

Lacunar tonsillitis in a child complicated by viral pharyngitis © Q-IN MEDICAL TECHNOLOGIES, LLC

Only with the help of antibiotics and it is with them that purulent tonsillitis in a child can be quickly cured. If antibiotics are not used, the disease will last the standard 7-8 days, and in case of complications, even longer.

As a rule, purulent tonsillitis in children is treated for 10-12 days, in rare cases, the doctor may reduce the course of antibiotic therapy to 7 days. Short programs of taking azithromycin for 3 or 5 days are considered by most doctors to be insufficiently effective and are not prescribed for children. After completing the course of antibiotic therapy, the doctor draws up and signs a treatment protocol, on the basis of which he issues a certificate stating that the child can go to kindergarten or school.

If antibiotic treatment for purulent sore throat in children for 2 days does not give a visible result, or the child develops an allergy to the antibiotic itself, you should consult a doctor to replace the drug.

The use of aids

Depending on how pronounced these or other symptoms of purulent tonsillitis in a child, auxiliary treatment is used to temporarily alleviate the condition. It consists in:

  • Taking antipyretics;
  • The use of local painkillers and anti-inflammatory drugs;
  • Gargles.

All these tools are used only when necessary. If the child’s temperature does not rise above 38 ° C (which, however, rarely happens with angina), he does not need to be given antipyretics, if his throat no longer hurts, you do not need to puff different sprays into him just because the disease itself is not yet ended.

From antipyretic drugs, children are recommended to give drugs based on paracetamol (Paracetamol, Efferalgan) and ibuprofen (Nurofen). The former are usually taken every 6 hours, Nurofen - every 8 hours. If after this period the temperature of the child remains within the subfebrile values, you do not need to give medicine just to keep the schedule. An antipyretic child should be drunk only when his temperature rises.

Nurofen not only helps bring down the temperature, but also has an anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect.

It is very important for angina to drink plenty of water for the child. The more he drinks and the more he sweats, the easier it will be for his body to regulate its temperature and the faster it will remove bacterial toxins from it. As a result, with abundant drinking, the need for antipyretics often disappears, or they can be canceled 1-2 days earlier.

Antipyretics also have anti-inflammatory and analgesic effects. Usually, in the acute period of the disease, they have to be used to reduce the temperature, and at the same time, the pain in the throat subsides. If the pain remains too strong, or persists after the end of the fever, the child, depending on age, can use local anesthesia:

  • Sprays - Oracept, AntiAngin, Cameton. Can be prescribed to children from two years;
  • Sucking tablets with anesthetics - Grammidin Neo with an anesthetic, Hexoral Tabs, Theraflu Lar, Strepsils Plus, Tantum Verde and others;
  • Solutions for gargling with anesthetics - Theraflu Lar, Tantum Verde, 2% lidocaine solution.

All of them help for several hours after taking either completely eliminate the pain, or significantly. Each remedy has age restrictions, and therefore these drugs should be chosen very carefully. For example, the treatment of purulent tonsillitis in a child of 2 years old can be carried out using Oracept, in children from three years old - with Tantum Verde. It is important to understand that, for example, a child of 2.5-3 years old is unlikely to suck on an anesthetic lozenge and will definitely not be able to rinse his throat correctly, and therefore the treatment of purulent tonsillitis in such children requires only the use of sprays for anesthesia.

Tantum Verde Throat Gargling Solution with Measuring Cup

In older children, you can gargle with decoctions of various herbs that have a slight anti-inflammatory effect:, sage,. Such rinsing will not allow you to immediately and completely remove the pain, but with regular use, the pains themselves disappear faster, and the tonsils recover earlier from the disease.

Rinsing is carried out 3-4 times a day for 1-1.5 minutes. It is undesirable to carry them out longer and more often, because due to the constant vibration of the tonsils, the opposite effect may occur - their tissues will regenerate longer.

As a rule, on the 2-3rd day of taking antibiotics, the symptoms of purulent tonsillitis weaken so much that it is no longer necessary to treat it in a child with symptomatic remedies. It is important to understand that if antibiotics for angina must be used without fail, regardless of the severity of the course of the disease, then auxiliary agents are used only when necessary.

Many parents make the mistake of believing that if they managed to bring down the temperature of the child with antipyretic drugs, and ease the sore throat with a spray, after which the child felt better, then it is no longer necessary to treat purulent tonsillitis with antibiotics. In fact, the symptoms of the disease will pass in any case, and the main task of treatment is to suppress the infection and protect the child from complications. Only antibiotics can deal with this.

The right treatment regimen

For the duration of the acute period of illness and the manifestation of fever, a child with purulent tonsillitis should be provided with bed rest. He needs a lot of rest, if possible - more sleep.

A child with purulent sore throat should do what he wants. If he does not have the strength to do anything, he needs to lie in bed, if he wants to play, let him play.

At the same time, you can not force the child to lie in bed if he does not want to. When he feels very bad, he will not be able to get out of bed. If he has the strength to play and walk around the apartment, then his condition improves and he can be allowed to play and walk. Simply put, the child himself will choose the optimal mode for himself, parents only need not to force him to do anything.

Purulent tonsillitis in a child should be treated at home in compliance with the mandatory sanitary requirements:

  1. The room in which the child is located is constantly thoroughly ventilated. It should have fresh air with a temperature of about 20 ° C and a humidity of 55-75%. It is better to maintain a moderate temperature and dress the child in warm clothes than to make him soar in stale air with a temperature of 27-28 ° C;
  2. During the first two days after starting the antibiotic, parents should communicate with the child as little as possible to avoid infection;
  3. The child should not be forced to prepare homework or engage in physical education until the full restoration of normal health.

When the child's temperature stops rising and he starts to play a lot, he can be taken for a walk if the weather is good. It is impossible to treat purulent tonsillitis in children by locking them in the house for two weeks and not letting them out into the street when the children themselves already feel fine. A child needs fresh air, and a calm walk in a normal state will do him good.

What can a child eat with purulent sore throat, and what can not?

Purulent tonsillitis in a child should be treated with a special diet. We talked about it in detail in, now let's consider the specifics specifically for children:

  • As the basis of the diet in the acute period of angina, children are given porridge-smear (oatmeal, semolina, barley), vegetable and fruit purees, fresh chicken broth;
  • You can give children low-fat cottage cheese, various yogurts;
  • With purulent sore throat, you can eat Frutonyanya, various purees and mixtures in jars, you can replace them with self-cooked dishes. For example, it is very easy to make banana puree and mix it with cottage cheese;
  • Boiled veal, rabbit meat, low-fat boiled fish are allowed;
  • You can give your child boiled vegetables - carrots, potatoes, zucchini, as well as baked apples.

In the photo - puree soup, which can be given to a child in the acute period of the disease:

At the same time, in the treatment of purulent tonsillitis in a child, it is not recommended to give him such dishes:

  • Coarse cereals - barley, buckwheat, corn;
  • Wholemeal bread, biscuits;
  • Salads from fresh coarse vegetables - cabbage, radish, carrots;
  • Citrus fruits, any other rough fruits - fresh apples, pears, plums. They cause severe pain in the throat, both due to the abundance of acids, and due to direct irritation of the tonsils. Angina with ulcers can even be diagnosed using this method: the child is allowed to swallow a piece of apple or bread. If he cannot do this, there is obviously a great inflammation of the tonsils;
  • Fatty dairy and meat products;
  • Fried, spicy, salty, pickled dishes;
  • Sweets.

All this is relevant only during the acute period of the disease. When the child feels normal, even if the course of antibiotics is continued, he can return to his usual diet.

School-age children should gargle after each meal. This will reduce the amount of food for bacteria here.

In no case, with purulent sore throat, you can not force or persuade the child to eat. If you do this, you can play out to indigestion and unpleasant consequences in the form of diarrhea, nausea and vomiting. In addition, if a child has purulent tonsillitis, several other allegedly healing procedures, which are very popular in folk medicine, but useless and often even harmful, cannot be done ...

How and what can not be treated for angina in children?

First of all, with angina, you can not rip off abscesses from the tonsils. The abscesses themselves are not harmful and do not affect the child's condition in any way, they break through and disappear on the 4th-5th day of the illness. Even if they are torn off earlier, this will not alleviate the child’s condition in any way, but the “ripping off” procedure itself is extremely painful. Forcing a child to suffer just because others treat purulent tonsillitis in this way is stupid and cruel.

It is also pointless to smear the tonsils or other iodine preparations. They will not have any effect on the infection and will not accelerate tissue repair here. Despite the fact that Lugol with purulent sore throat in children today is considered perhaps the best remedy, there is no evidence that it really helps to cure this disease.

Other antiseptics in the form of sprays, lozenges or solutions are also useless - Miramistin, Chlorhexidine and others. From the standpoint of modern medicine, local antibacterial agents are not able to affect the infection in any way.

Chlorhexidine is effective for treating open wounds, but it is useless for angina.

  • Folk remedies based on honey, propolis and other bee products;
  • , vinegar, lemon and citric acid, alcohol tinctures used for gargling. Such folk remedies for purulent tonsillitis in children are not only useless, but can lead to irritation and burns of the tonsils;
  • Compresses and heating of the throat. Such procedures can only provoke an increase in infection, since bacteria multiply faster when the temperature rises;
  • Inhalations - for the same reason. Compressor and nebulizer inhalations for angina are useless, since the therapeutic mixture does not settle on the tonsils, and steam inhalations also help warm the tonsils. In any case, as with other local remedies, it is impossible to effectively treat purulent tonsillitis in a child with inhalations;
  • homeopathic remedies. As numerous studies show, homeopathy cannot be considered as a method of treatment at all, and such medicines are pacifiers for the psychotherapy of parents.

Also, angina in children is often treated with interferon-based agents or its inducers. There is no evidence of their effectiveness today, and therefore the use of such drugs has nothing to do with treatment.

  • Treatment of purulent tonsillitis in children should be carried out only after the diagnosis of the disease by a doctor;
  • You can treat the disease at home, but with the use of drugs prescribed by a specialist;
  • Purulent tonsillitis should always be treated with systemic antibiotics, in addition to them, if necessary, you can use means to temporarily alleviate symptoms: local painkillers, antipyretics, gargles;
  • It is impossible to use drugs with unproven effectiveness or folk remedies and methods that can be dangerous for the treatment of angina.

Children are more likely to suffer from acute tonsillitis (tonsillitis), more difficult to tolerate sore throat and fever, compared to adults. Parents can identify the disease by the first symptoms and help the child before visiting the doctor. Usually purulent tonsillitis in children requires the use of antibiotics. It is better to entrust the choice of drugs to specialists in order to protect a baby or teenager from the complications of a common, but no less dangerous disease.

Determination of signs of angina in children

Sore throat and fever may be the first symptoms

It is difficult to recognize inflammation of the pharynx in infants who are not yet able to explain what hurts them. A child who speaks well will complain of "scratching" or a sore throat. If the baby is 2 years old or younger, he refuses to eat, looks lethargic, has a fever, coughs, then he may have pharyngitis - inflammation of the back of the throat.

Children at the age of 3 are more likely to get viral tonsillitis, which develops simultaneously with SARS. Clear mucus is abundantly secreted from the nose, cough is dry. The tonsils or palatine tonsils are affected - paired formations in the pharynx that have an oval shape. They are part of the lymphatic pharyngeal ring, neutralize the infection that enters through the mouth and nose.

After birth, the tonsils continue to form during the first 3–5 years of life. They are underdeveloped in young children. Babies are less susceptible to a bacterial infection of the throat, so pediatricians are in no hurry to prescribe antibiotics to a child under one year old.

Important! Children older than 3–5 years are at risk for the development of purulent tonsillitis, namely streptococcal tonsillitis. This is a contagious bacterial disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets.

With purulent sore throat, the child is prescribed complete rest

Symptoms of purulent tonsillitis in children of different ages:

  • lethargy, headache chills;
  • body temperature 38°C and above;
  • sore throat, especially when swallowing;
  • white or yellowish dots or uneven spots on the tonsils;
  • compacted and enlarged cervical lymph nodes;
  • bad breath.

Streptococcal tonsillitis begins 12 hours after infection. The bacteria can survive drying sputum for up to a week. Therefore, a sick child cannot be taken to kindergarten, let go to school or go outside. If the mother has a purulent sore throat, then she should use a medical face mask when feeding and caring for the baby.

Symptoms of various forms of angina in children

Acute pharyngitis, tonsillitis or tonsillopharyngitis - one of these diagnoses is usually made by pediatricians to babies who were brought to the appointment with a sore throat. Catarrhal angina is the mildest form of the disease. The tonsils are red and edematous, but there is no purulent plaque.

Symptoms of angina

Signs of purulent tonsillitis of the follicular type in children:

  • heat;
  • excruciating sore throat;
  • purulent vesicles on the tonsils;
  • vomiting and diarrhea (optional);
  • there is no appetite.

Lacunar tonsillitis begins with a sore throat that radiates to the ears. The submandibular lymph nodes are enlarged. Palatine tonsils inflamed; pus fills the canals of the tonsils and looks like white or yellowish streaks. The cause of lacunar tonsillitis, as well as follicular, is a bacterial infection (streptococci, staphylococci and pneumococci). Therefore, it is necessary to take antibiotics.

The streptococcal nature of the disease can be determined by the results of microbiological culture. For analysis, it is required to pass a swab from the throat in the laboratory. Another option is to use Streptotest strips (sold in pharmacies).

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis in a child

How long therapy lasts depends on the form of the disease. Recovery usually occurs within one or two weeks. If the child has a temperature, then he should be in bed. Follicular and lacunar tonsillitis are treated with antibiotics. Some drugs take 3 days, the course of treatment with others lasts 5, 7, 10 or 14 days. The patient is given a warm drink (chamomile tea, non-acid compote, fruit drink, rosehip broth, jelly). Food should be soft so as not to injure the throat.

With angina, a plentiful, warm drink is required

The doctor prescribes antibacterial drugs along with probiotics, which restore the balance of the intestinal microflora. At temperatures above 38.3 ° C, antipyretics are given. Antihistamines enhance the effect of this group of drugs and alleviate the symptoms of the disease.

It is difficult for the patient to swallow tablets or capsules, and for many drugs in this form, age restrictions have been introduced. How to treat a child in these cases? There are so-called children's release forms - syrups and suspensions (usually with fruit flavors). Injections are not recommended, they are very stressful for young children.

Attention! Immunity in babies is weak, intoxication is growing rapidly, so it is difficult to bring down the temperature. If the baby is naughty, refuses to drink and take medications, then antipyretics in the form of rectal suppositories can be used.

How to treat purulent sore throat - a list of drugs for children

These drops can be used to treat tonsillitis in children by mixing the medicine with tea or juice.

Antibiotics kill or weaken the pathogens of purulent tonsillitis in children and adults: treatment with these drugs is carried out only as directed by a doctor, taking into account dosages for each age.

Doctors explain the need for the use of antibacterial drugs by the fact that with streptococcal tonsillitis there is a high risk of dangerous complications: bronchitis, otitis media, pneumonia, meningitis. Antibiotics speed up recovery by about 1-2 days. Improvement is observed already in the first days of taking the medicine.

Paracetamol rectal suppositories are used primarily for high fever in children under 3 years of age. The antipyretic effect develops quickly - within 20-30 minutes.

Many medicines intended for young children can be added to breast milk or tea. For example, drops of Tonsilgon N based on extracts of 7 herbs for babies over a year old are added to juice. The drug should be taken 5 or 6 times a day at the onset of the disease, the duration of the course of treatment is 7-10 days.

Local remedies and procedures

In addition to syrups, drops, tablets for oral administration, there are forms of release of drugs for local use. They are convenient to use at home to treat an inflamed and sore throat. There are age restrictions for various forms of release and active components of local funds.

Small drops of aerosol and spray can cause coughing, bronchospasm, and vomiting in children under 3 years of age. There are age restrictions for the spray: 2 or 3 years. Aerosols are not recommended if the child is under 4-6 years old. Antiseptic lozenges (lozenges, lozenges) are given to children over 3 years old, if they already understand that this is not a candy, but a medicine, it should not be swallowed.

What to do to relieve sore throat in children:

Before using a spray or aerosol, the child is given warm water to gargle. Parents should pay attention to the composition and therapeutic effect of various drugs. You can not simultaneously use drugs with the same active ingredients and a similar mechanism of action.

The kid needs to be shown and explained how to take the solution into his mouth, gargle and spit out the liquid. The procedure should be carried out frequently - up to 5-6 times a day.

How to gargle:

  • Warm solutions of soda, salt, potassium permanganate, furacilin with a disinfectant and antiseptic effect.
  • Infusion of chamomile with the addition of sea buckthorn oil (shake before use).
  • A solution of half tsp. and soda with 5 drops of iodine tincture per 200 ml of water.
  • Infusions of eucalyptus leaves, sage, calendula flowers, thyme herb.
  • Honey diluted with water or pomegranate juice.
  • Hydrogen peroxide (3%) with warm water.
  • Iodinol solution.

Iodinol solution can be used for gargling.

Inhalations help cure a runny nose and sore throat. After inhalation of the medicine in the form of vapor, the pain in the throat decreases, the pus dissolves. For inhalation, a nebulizer is used if the child is older than 12 months. A temperature patient at 38 ° C and above should not be steam inhaled with hot decoctions of herbs, boiled potatoes.

Warm compresses are useful for the throat, but with purulent tonsillitis with a high temperature in a child, you should consult a doctor about the advisability of this procedure. Local treatment is most effective at the very beginning of a sore throat. One should not hope for the success of therapy if only rinses, inhalations, sprays and compresses are used. Means for local use have a minimum of contraindications and negative effects, but they may not cope with a bacterial infection.


Local preparations complement antibiotic treatment. Such funds act quickly, but for a short time. The use of systemic drugs for purulent tonsillitis provides recovery without complications. Children at an early age are more susceptible to viral throat infections. Antibiotics in such cases are used only to prevent complications, mainly otitis media. Antibacterial drugs do not work on viruses.

Often, inflammation in the throat causes a mixed infection, so drugs are selected that act on different groups of pathogens. With angina with an allergic component, antihistamines and diet therapy are required.
