Bilateral purulent tonsillitis in children. Causes of purulent tonsillitis in children, symptoms with photos and methods of treatment at home

Purulent tonsillitis in children, the treatment of which will require strict adherence to the recommendations of the ENT or pediatrician, is diagnosed mainly in a child of preschool, primary school age. The immune system is still in the formation stage and is vulnerable to the action of aggressive bacteria. The second surge of the disease is characteristic of the period of rapid puberty of a teenager. At this time, a restructuring of all body systems takes place and they are not able to repel a powerful attack of pathogens.

Purulent tonsillitis in preschoolers and adolescents in 80% of cases is caused by staphylococci or streptococci. Bacterial pathogens are transmitted by airborne droplets when communicating with a sick person. Or contact - through hygiene items, common utensils, food. A child can be a source of infection already in the first hours of illness, when adults have not yet sounded the alarm. Therefore, mass diseases of a similar series are often recorded in children's groups, and quarantine is declared.

The main cause of purulent tonsillitis is a bacterium from a number of cocci that has entered the body. In babies, adenovirus can provoke inflammation of the tonsils. And the accompanying factors that complicate the course of the disease are:

  • Weak immune system.
  • Local (drinking an ice drink) or general systematic hypothermia.
  • Negligent attitude to hardening and physical activity.
  • Irrational food with a monotonous menu.
  • Chronic inflammatory diseases of the nasopharynx, dental problems (caries, stomatitis).

Under such conditions, phagocytes are not able to neutralize the infection, maintain the balance of the microflora of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.

Types of angina

There are three types of purulent tonsillitis in a child:

  • Lacunar. Exudate of a yellowish-white hue is located in the epithelial canals of the tonsils - lacunae, a whitish coating is visible on the tonsil itself. It responds to treatment better than other purulent forms. This type of angina is often a complication of catarrhal.
  • Follicular. It is characterized by the presence of pus in the follicles of the tonsils. Pustules can be seen through the translucent epithelium. Accumulations of exudate are in close proximity to a branched capillary system and large vessels, so the risk of infection entering the blood is quite high. It is more difficult to cure this form of the disease than the previous one.
  • Phlegmous form in a child is rare. This type of disease involves the rapid formation of swelling of the tonsils, which covers not only the lymphoid formations, but also the areas adjacent to them. Intoxication is expressed, narrowing of the respiratory lumen is observed. Children with a similar diagnosis are subject to immediate hospitalization.

Often there is a combination of symptoms of lacunar and follicular form. The attending physician oversees the healing process.

Symptoms and Diagnosis

The presence of purulent tonsillitis can be unmistakably determined visually. Plaque, visible abscesses, edematous hyperemic tonsils directly indicate the development of tonsillitis. Clinical studies will help determine the type of pathogen. Qualitative diagnostics will help clarify how to treat purulent tonsillitis in children at risk.

In some cases, you will need to take a throat swab to determine the type of bacterial infection, their sensitivity to the active ingredients of popular antibiotics. Such a step is justified if resistance of strains of pathogens to one of the types of antibiotics is observed.

  • Pain when swallowing, which gradually becomes constant or impulsively gives to the ear area.
  • Weakness, complaints of the child about drowsiness, lethargy, muscle aches, discomfort when moving the eyeballs.
  • A sharp rise in temperature to 38-40 ° C, chills.
  • Compaction of the submandibular lymph nodes.
  • Enlarged edematous tonsils with visible ulcers.

These indicators are very average, since the disease in each baby develops in its own way, the sign can be individual.

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis: medicines and folk recipes

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis in children involves the appointment of antibiotics. If there are no contraindications, then modernized penicillins with clavulanic acid are prescribed. Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Flemoklav - broad-spectrum antibacterial agents. They inhibit the process of division of pathogenic cells, prevent their development. For children, citrus-flavored or sweet-tasting tablets are available. With positive dynamics, the course of treatment will be a week, but the doctor can extend the use of antibiotics up to 10 days.

With an inadequate response to penicillin or the presence of concomitant diseases in the baby, drugs of the azithromycin group are prescribed. Sumamed, Azitsin, Macropen are characterized by prolonged action, their therapeutic concentrations are valid for 5-7 days after the end of the drug intake. Therefore, three to five days of medication is enough.

Complicated conditions will help to overcome cephalosporins. These antibiotics have a powerful antibacterial effect, they are active in case of resistance of bacterial strains to penicillin or macrolides. Cefixime, Suprax Solutab overcome the protective barriers of infection, integrate into the cell membrane and destroy the bacterium from the inside.

With antibiotics quickly and effectively. On the second or third day of taking medication, the temperature returns to normal, suppuration decreases. The scarlet mucosa approaches the physiological shade, many whitish coatings disappear.

Antiseptics, analgesics, NSAIDs

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs will help to reduce the temperature and reduce inflammation: it is better to use suppositories for crumbs, it is preferable to give syrups to preschoolers. Teenagers will prefer tablets or instant teas with a weight-appropriate dose. Popular: Nurofen, Nimesulide, Panadol, Ibuprofen.

They will help reduce pain, disinfect the mucous membranes with sprays. Hypoallergenic Miramistin is recommended for infants and children under 3 years of age. It can be applied to the nipple, treat the cheek. Small children should not irrigate the pharyngeal area: crumbs cannot regulate the contraction of the pharyngeal muscles and the rhythm of breathing, so a sharp hit of a jet of medication can cause laryngospasm. Givalex, Ingalipt, Kameton will help older children.

It is possible to treat purulent tonsillitis in a child after 4 years using lozenges, lozenges, lozenges. Grammidin with an antibacterial component will enhance the effect of systemic antibiotics. Isla Mint will anesthetize and have an antiseptic effect. Chlorophyllipt will help destroy cocci and relieve inflammation. Agisept, Anzibel disinfect painful tonsils.

You can use an oily solution of Chlorfilipt or the famous Lugol to treat the tonsils.


Adults often ask the doctor the question: “what, what to use besides pharmaceuticals?”. Older preschool children and teenagers need to learn how to gargle. This procedure will help remove purulent exudate, remove mucus with pathogens.

It is easy to purchase pharmacy preparations: solutions of Furacilin, Rotokan, Tantum Verde. Decoctions and infusions of herbs that have been used by traditional healers for centuries are effective.

Chamomile, sage, calendula disinfect, soothe irritated epithelium. You will need a tablespoon of raw materials for 250-300 ml of boiling water, the liquid must be brought to a boil. You can rinse only with warm broth.

In water, the temperature of which is 40-45 ° C, add 2 drops per glass of essential oil of tea tree, sea buckthorn.

Rinsing is done after 2 hours, the doctor will tell you how many days it will take for treatment. Before starting the procedures, you should consult your doctor, as there are rare situations when purulent plugs are too deep and rinsing can interfere with the treatment.

Manifestations of purulent tonsillitis in children, the treatment of which is quite intensive, indicate a weak immune system. Therefore, after recovery, special attention should be paid to preventive measures.

283 03.10.2019 7 min.

Purulent tonsillitis is a fairly common childhood disease. The medical name for this disease is tonsillitis. Purulent tonsillitis is characterized by the appearance of a purulent plaque on the tonsils. Many of us in childhood had a sore throat and know how unpleasant it is. If the disease is not cured completely, then it will become chronic and will torment for many years. How to save a child from purulent tonsillitis forever?

Disease Definition

Angina is diagnosed by a doctor when there is inflammation of the tissues of the tonsils - lymphoid organs located in the oropharynx. There are several forms of tonsillitis (,), which are stages of one pathological process. Purulent tonsillitis in children causes severe intoxication, since the child's body is difficult to tolerate bacterial infections. Treatment of angina should be started as early as possible to avoid both local and systemic complications.

Angina suffers mainly from preschool children and adults 35-40 years old. Angina is rare in the elderly. This inflammatory process of the palate () and tonsils can be provoked by various microbes. The disease is considered contagious, transmitted by contact (through dishes, hygiene items, unwashed fruits) and by airborne droplets.


Various factors can become an impetus for inflammation of the tonsils:

  • Large dustiness of the room;
  • Smoking;
  • Transferred injuries of the tonsils;
  • Prolonged hypothermia;
  • Weak immunity.

It has been established that a surge in the disease in children occurs during periods of cold spring and damp, rainy autumn. Often a sore throat is a kind of consequence of a violation of blood circulation in the capillaries, as a result of which the tissues of the human body begin to experience a lack of useful substances.

Angina in its various manifestations affects about 15% of children.


The main symptoms of purulent tonsillitis in children:

  • Increase in body temperature up to 40ºС;
  • The appearance of weakness, lethargy;
  • Pain in the joints, muscles, in the region of the heart, headache;
  • The occurrence of dry mouth;
  • Difficulties with swallowing and eating;
  • Inflammation and enlargement of the lymph nodes of the lower jaw;
  • Unpleasant smell and taste in the mouth;
  • The presence of gray and white spots in the oropharynx;
  • Increased heart rate and respiration.

Manifestations of angina are observed already by the seventh day after the bacteria enters the body. However, the symptoms appear much faster with a weakened immune system in a child.

Bacteria multiply rapidly with angina, so it is very important to follow the treatment prescribed by the doctor and follow all his instructions, otherwise, the consequences can be severe.

Possible Complications

Do not be afraid of purulent tonsillitis. The main thing is to identify the disease in time (and only a doctor can do this) and start treatment. However, it is worth noting that the consequences of this disease are quite dangerous. The very first from the complications caused by tonsillitis, the heart system suffers, since the microbes that provoke angina enter the heart muscle along with the blood. At the first stage, they form an inflammatory center there, which can worsen after a few months with rheumatic myocarditis. In the future, rheumatic heart disease may develop.

The list of complications from undertreated or improperly treated tonsillitis also includes the following diseases:

  • Otitis;
  • Enlarged lymph nodes;
  • Blood poisoning;
  • Diseases of the kidneys.

Acute paratonsillitis is considered a common complication of purulent tonsillitis. The causes of the pathology can be a strong hypothermia of the child at the beginning of the disease, as well as a violation of rest and bed rest, unauthorized termination of medication. Such complications require mandatory surgical intervention.

There is another dangerous complication of purulent tonsillitis - pharyngeal abscess, which is very common among children. A child who has had a sore throat begins to accumulate pus in the lymph nodes near the pharynx. At the same time, it hurts him to swallow, there is a cough and a sudden increase in body temperature. All this is fraught with suffocation, since the swollen lymph nodes block the laryngeal passage and prevent normal breathing. In this case, surgical intervention is vital.


Purulent tonsillitis requires an integrated approach to treatment in both children and adults. First of all, it is necessary to observe bed rest, as any load can prolong the path to recovery.

You need to drink plenty of fluids. Warm tea, juices, fruit drinks, meat broths, milk are suitable. Drinking plenty of water reduces intoxication and prevents dehydration caused by high temperatures.

With purulent sore throat, it is advisable for a child to prescribe a sparing diet: only soft, easily digestible, non-irritating food is served. You can not consume hot, cold, spicy, too salty, smoked food. For kids, dishes from dairy products, vegetables, cereals are preferred.

In a medical way

Treatment of angina necessarily includes taking medications, which will overcome the symptoms of the disease and destroy the pathogen.

If the causative agent of purulent tonsillitis is bacteria, then it is mandatory (even for newborns). Up to 18 years of age with angina, as a rule, drugs from the following groups are prescribed:

  • Penicillins (Amoxiclav, Ampiox, Ampicillin, Augmentin);
  • Macrolides (Sumamed, Azitsin, Clarithromycin);
  • Cephalosporins (Cefuroxime, Cefalexin, Cefotiam, Cefazolin).

Toddlers will not be able to swallow a tablet or capsule, so they are given drugs in the form of a syrup, suspension or drops. Among antipyretics, children at any age are allowed drugs based on and (Efferalgan, Nurofen, Paracetamol). For children under 3 years old, they are available in the form of syrups and suppositories.

For the treatment of purulent tonsillitis, local remedies are also necessarily used:

  • Lozenges with an antiseptic (Decatilene, Faringosept, Trachisan, Septolete, Strepsils);
  • Sprays for irrigation of the throat (Yoks, Stopangin, Givalex, Aqua Maris);
  • Means for rinsing (Furacilin solution, Stomatidine).

Treatment of infants under 1 year of age is based on the same principles. The antibiotic is given depending on the weight of the baby with special measuring spoons or dosing syringes. Simultaneously with them, the child should receive probiotics to restore microflora (Symbivit, Symbiter, Lactobacterin).

Antipyretic drugs for infants should be given at a temperature of 38º C and above in the form of suppositories or syrups.

Sprays, rinses and tablets are not suitable for babies. You can lubricate the throat with Lugol's solution or Furacilin by wrapping a little gauze around your finger.

There are a number of drugs that pediatricians prescribe for the treatment of purulent tonsillitis in children as additional and auxiliary means. It can be:

  • Antihistamines to relieve swelling, prevent allergic reactions, reduce symptoms of the disease (Zirtek, Suprastin);
  • Vitamins and restorative agents to increase the body's resistance (Alphavit, Vitrum, Supradin);
  • Probiotics and prebiotics to eliminate side effects from taking antibacterial tablets and to restore intestinal microflora (Linex, Rio Flora Balance);
  • Immunostimulants to prevent the recurrence of angina and increase the body's resistance (Immudon, preparations based on echinacea).

It is forbidden to do any thermal procedures to the child with purulent sore throat: compresses, mustard plasters, soar legs. These procedures during the acute phase of the disease can cause the activation of bacterial reproduction.

Older children need to be explained how to gargle with a sore throat. This method will allow you to treat inflammation with greater efficiency: remove purulent plugs, wash out bacteria, and relieve severe symptoms. The most effective rinse solutions:

  • Sea water;
  • Geksoral, Stopangin for rinsing;
  • Yoks (can be used as prescribed by a doctor in the absence of allergic reactions to iodine);
  • , Chlorhexidine;
  • Rotokan;
  • A solution of potassium permanganate, hydrogen peroxide;
  • Infusion of sage, oak bark.

From 5-6 years old, a child can already be safely given lozenges or tablets against purulent sore throats: Hexoral, Strepsils, Septolete, Falimint, Gramicidin, Lyzobakt. After 3 years, you can use any means in the form of aerosols and sprays, for example, Tantum Verde, Stopangin.

Physiotherapy for angina

Physiotherapeutic treatment of purulent tonsillitis is prescribed after the acute symptoms subside. As a rule, this type of therapy is used for chronic tonsillitis, as well as for a long course of lymphadenitis against the background of a sore throat. Most often, the following physiotherapy methods are recommended for school-age children:

  • UHF on the area of ​​the submandibular, cervical lymph nodes;
  • Inhalations with bronchodilators, expectorants, antibiotics (if the disease has given complications to the lungs);
  • microwave therapy;
  • Electrophoresis of drugs on the tonsils;
  • Mud and ozocerite applications, paraffin compresses;
  • Oxygen procedures;
  • Coniferous baths;
  • Warming compresses with chitosan (only in remission).

In addition, children who are prone to frequent relapses of purulent tonsillitis with a complicated course are prescribed specially selected exercise therapy for a long time, breathing exercises with deep breathing.

Purulent tonsillitis is effectively treated if the patient receives enough water, eats fruits, drinks natural juices and sleeps enough.

The use of folk remedies

  • Decoction of rose petals. This is a proven remedy for gargling with sore throat, SARS, pharyngitis. 1 st. pour a spoonful of rose petals with a glass of water, bring to a boil, let drain for 1 hour. Gargle your child 3-4 times a day.
  • Beet juice. Grate the beets on a fine grater, squeeze the juice. Add 1 tbsp. a spoonful of vinegar (6%) per glass of juice. Gargle 5-6 times a day.
  • Iodine and manganese. Dissolve 5 drops of iodine in 0.5 liters of a weak solution of manganese, shake well. Perform the rinse procedure 3-4 times a day.
  • Calendula extract. Brew 10 calendula flowers with a glass of boiling water, cool and gargle 3-4 times a day.
  • Rinsing with a collection of medicinal herbs (eucalyptus leaf, chamomile, calendula). 1 st. Pour a spoonful of the collection with 2 cups of boiling water, cook for 4 minutes, let the broth stand for 30 minutes and strain through the filter. Use this decoction for a month.
  • Propolis. Take a high quality propolis (weak, chewy) and give a piece to the child to chew in the mouth. It is advisable to chew propolis before meals. A very effective and useful product in the treatment of purulent tonsillitis.
  • It is useful as a preventive measure and in the early stages of the disease to chew raw slices of lemon peel. After that, it is recommended not to eat for an hour. Lemon contains citric acid and various essential oils, which impede the passage of microbes and relieve inflammation of the mucosa.
  • Since ancient times, purulent tonsillitis has been treated with raspberries. Chop 1 sprig of dried raspberries and pour 1/3 cup of boiling water. Leave the remedy for 10 minutes. Strain the resulting liquid and mix with 3 tablespoons of honey. Drink the prepared liquid every evening before going to bed for 10 days. This tool is great for kids of all ages.
  • Inhalations. It is possible to treat purulent tonsillitis in children over 10 years of age with the help of inhalations. Mix 1 tablespoon of creeping thyme herb with an equal amount of sage herb and potato peels. Simmer the resulting mixture in a water bath for about 2 minutes. Before starting the procedure, add 3 drops of fir oil. After that, the child needs to bend over the pot with the finished mixture, cover his head with a towel and breathe in pairs for 10 minutes.
  • Garlic. Pour three cloves of peeled garlic with hot milk. Once the product has cooled, strain it and let the baby drink in small sips. Doctors recommend drinking about 2 glasses of this liquid per day.

The use of herbal medicine alone will not protect the child from the development of angina. Alternative recipes must be used in addition to the treatment prescribed by the doctor. All together will speed up the recovery of the baby.


Purulent tonsillitis, like any other disease, is easier to prevent than to treat. Prevention of the occurrence of angina is to increase the overall defenses of the body. To do this, you need to eat rationally, play sports, regularly visit the fresh air, and carry out hardening procedures.

In addition, contact with people suffering from purulent sore throat should be avoided.



- an insidious disease. If it is not cured in childhood, it will torment all life and lead to serious complications. That is why it is so important to carry out complex treatment and follow all the recommendations of the otolaryngologist. After completion, a recovery period will follow, during which it is important to eat well, rest, and get enough sleep. And then take preventive measures. Teach a child who has had a sore throat to a healthy diet, an active lifestyle, and sports so that he will never again encounter this disease.

An infectious disease that affects in the autumn-spring period is purulent tonsillitis in children. Diagnosis of a pathological condition is required in order to avoid the development of formidable complications.

What is purulent angina.

Purulent tonsillitis in a child is a type of acute tonsillitis. It occurs as a complication of the lacunar or follicular form of the pathological condition. Children aged 4 to 8 years are susceptible to the disease.

Attention! The causative agents of infection are mainly staphylococci and streptococci.

Purulent angina by origin:

  • primary - develop as an independent inflammatory reaction;
  • secondary - lesions occur against the background of infection or pathology of the hematopoietic apparatus;
  • specific - development is associated with specific infectious diseases, for example, fungal tonsillitis.

Diagnosis of purulent tonsillitis.

Purulent tonsillitis in a child is diagnosed by otorhinolaryngologists on the basis of complaints, history taking, objective examination and laboratory and instrumental research data.

When collecting an anamnesis and complaints, he finds out when the first symptoms appeared, what they are connected with. The nature and severity of signs. Thus, ARVI is excluded and the origin of angina is established.

An objective examination consists in carrying out pharyngoscopy - examination of the oropharynx. The child has a pronounced redness and an increase in the size of the tonsils, as well as hyperemia in the region of the palatine arches and soft palate. Lymph nodes are enlarged and painful on palpation. Focal or total purulent lesion of the oropharynx.

A smear from the affected area is required to determine the pathogen in order to prescribe adequate therapy in the future.

Delivery of a general blood and urine test to determine the level of lymphocytes, erythrocyte sedimentation rate and specific markers of inflammation.

Attention! If the smear failed to isolate the pathogen, the child is prescribed a polymerase chain reaction.

What does purulent tonsillitis look like.

There are 4 forms of angina:

Phlegmonous. The tissue of the tonsils is affected. Unilateral failure.
Follicular. The focus is located in the follicles of the tonsils. On the last abscesses of small sizes.
fibrinous. Pus is distributed over the entire surface of the soft palate. Often loss of consciousness, objectively - shortness of breath.
Lacunar. Pus enters the lacunae due to leakage from the follicles. The lesion is not located in a specific area, but looks like a plaque.

Symptoms and signs.

In a pathological condition, the following signs are revealed:

  • pain in the abdomen, head and throat;
  • weakness;
  • the formation of abscesses;
  • convulsions;
  • inability to swallow food;
  • tachycardia;
  • cold clammy sweat;
  • an increase in submandibular lymph nodes;
  • violation of the chair;
  • nausea and vomiting;
  • increase in body temperature up to 40 degrees.

Attention! On the first day of the onset of the disease, only an increase in the tonsils will be detected from the symptoms.

The temperature rises for 2-3 days, the baby becomes drowsy and does not show activity. Due to the appearance of pain in the throat, a violation of the respiratory processes is diagnosed.

Swelling of the tonsils causes increased pressure on the Eustachian tubes. This leads to stuffy ears and noise in them. Often the inflammatory process passes to this area.

Causes of the disease.

In addition to the causative agents of the disease - streptococci and staphylococci, the pathological condition is provoked by viruses, fungi and mycoplasma.

Attention! If the child's immune system is not weakened, the pathogenic microflora is not dangerous.

The provoking factors are weakened immunity, recent viral infections, often hypothermia, the child's constant stay in a damp climate, unbalanced nutrition, overwork, both physical and emotional.

In infants, a common cause of pathology is hypothermia. In a one-year-old baby, the disease occurs against the background of an infection of viral etiology or adenoids.

The disease is transmitted by household or airborne droplets. Less often, the infection passes from other lesions located in the oropharynx.

The recurrence of purulent tonsillitis leads to the transition of inflammation into a chronic form.

How long is the incubation period.

The incubation period in children is different in terms. It depends on the individual characteristics of the organism, age and the capabilities of immune mechanisms. The period lasts from 12 hours to 3 days after the infection enters the body.

How to treat purulent tonsillitis in children in 2019.

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis in children is carried out on an outpatient basis or in a hospital. Hospitalization is required in the following cases:

  • inflammation in an acute form, a high probability of complications;
  • age less than three years;
  • the child's immune system is not functioning properly.

In other cases, the treatment of purulent tonsillitis in children is carried out at home under the supervision of a physician.

The child is required to comply with the regime of work and rest. Assign bed rest. The baby needs to sleep all day and night. It is required to provide a nutritious diet rich in vitamins and minerals. Since it is difficult for the patient to swallow, food should be crushed, soup-puree is recommended. Parents provide complete peace of mind. In the room where the child is located, wash the floors at least 2 times a day. Ventilate the room before taking the baby out of it.

Breastfed babies continue to be fed with their mother's milk. Of the drinks, all children are recommended warm, but not hot. Dried fruit compote or raspberry tea. These drinks reduce inflammation and strengthen the immune system.

How does a humidifier affect your health?

The use of an air humidifier ensures the creation of an optimal microclimate for the child and recovery in the room. In addition to creating the required conditions, the equipment cleans the room from dust particles. This allows you to not ventilate.

The air humidifier normalizes the functioning of the affected pulmonary system of the baby. This is due to the fact that moist air prevents stagnation of sputum in the lungs. The disease proceeds faster and easier, and the risk of complications is minimized.

Antibacterial therapy.

A specialist in purulent tonsillitis necessarily prescribes antibiotics of the penicillin series, for example, Amoxicillin. If the patient has frequent relapses of the condition or an allergic reaction to this series of antibacterial agents, a group of macrolides is prescribed, for example, Sumamed.

You can read more about how to use it in the article.

With the ineffectiveness of the penicillin series and macrolides, cephalosporins are prescribed, for example, Ceftriaxone. Injections are administered only in a hospital and with constant dynamic monitoring of the patient. Also, this series is used at a high risk of complications and the course of the condition in a severe form for the child.

Attention! Antibiotics for purulent sore throat in children are used for 7-10 days. If completed earlier, pathogens will develop tolerance to this group of medicinal substances, that is, they will not cure the next time.

local treatment.

Local treatment for purulent tonsillitis in children consists in the use of:

  • absorbable tablets with antimicrobial, antiseptic and antibacterial action, for example, strepsils;
  • use of antibacterial aerosols, for example, Tantum;
  • gargling with antiseptics, such as Chlorhexidine.

Children under one year old do not know how to dissolve tablets and gargle, therefore, only aerosols are prescribed from local therapy.

What antibiotics to use and how much to give them.

Therapy, as mentioned above, is mainly carried out with the help of antibiotics, which destroy the pathogenic microflora. The penicillin series is prescribed in the first place, since the drugs are the safest for the child. They do not cause intolerance and have nothing to do with food intake. The doctor prescribes a dose based on body weight. In this case, everything is individual for a particular child.

If the attending physician cannot prescribe penicillins, for example, Augmetin, apply:

  • macrolides - Azitrox;
  • cephalosporins, for example, Suprax, as the drug of choice;
  • in some cases, patients are prescribed sulfonamides, for example, Biseptol. Of all the medicinal substances, this series is the most gentle. However, its use is limited because bacteria can develop tolerance to this type. In this regard, if after 2 days of taking positive dynamics was not detected, the attending specialist adjusts the therapy;
  • topical antibiotics that affect the tonsils, such as Bioparox.

Together with antibiotic therapy, drugs should be given to prevent dysbacteriosis, for example, Linex. To maintain the functioning of the immune system - vitamin complexes.

symptomatic treatment.

If a child has a high temperature, but the extremities are cold, then a vasospasm develops. For its relief, give half a tablet of Drotaverine.

Against the background of antibiotic therapy, a fungal infection may develop. To avoid this, use antifungal drugs, for example, Ketoconazole.

In order to remove signs of intoxication - antiallergic drugs (Suprastin).

Probiotics and prebiotics - Beefy-Form will help normalize the intestinal microflora.

How to gargle a child's throat.

Gargling is an effective procedure, since the oropharynx is disinfected, which reduces the inflammatory response and reduces the risk of spreading the process. Also, rinsing allows you to stop the pain syndrome and wash off the pus from the surface of the tonsils.

It is recommended to carry out the procedure often, every 4 hours. The head should be thrown back, the tongue should stick out as much as possible so that the solution reaches the far parts of the pharynx. The process should take at least half a minute, and the solution should be warm.

The specialist prescribes solutions with medications - Chlorhexidine and furacilin solution. Take 10 ml of the substance and gargle 2-3 times a day. It is also acceptable to use solutions based on herbs or soda. Soda solution - take 1 tablespoon and dissolve in hot water. The procedure is carried out at least 5 times a day.

The salt version is prepared in a similar way. If you want to use herbs, take 1 tablespoon of chamomile and pour a glass of boiling water, let it cool to room temperature and only after that the child.

How to bring down the temperature.

With purulent sore throat, the child's body temperature can reach 40 degrees Celsius. Its reduction is achieved when taking antipyretic drugs, which include paracetamol, for example, Panadol.

Attention! The temperature can be brought down only when it reaches 37.9 degrees, if it is lower, the body must fight itself. Otherwise, the baby's immune system is suppressed.

Physiotherapy procedures.

Physiotherapeutic procedures for angina are prescribed to all children at the onset of the disease. If the lymph nodes are significantly enlarged and painful on palpation, UHF is used. Pine needle baths, oxygen treatments and microwave therapy have a good therapeutic effect.

Folk ways.

Is it possible to treat purulent tonsillitis in children at home?

It is permissible to use traditional medicine only after consultation with your doctor.

Carefully! The child may have an allergic reaction to some components, so you need to start with small dosages. In addition, such drugs reduce the effectiveness of antibiotic therapy prescribed by a doctor.


Take one fresh medium-sized beet, rub on a fine grater. Next, pour a glass of boiling water. The resulting mixture is insisted during the night, and in the morning they are given to gargle the baby. Since it is required to apply the solution at least 3 times a day, it is advisable to prepare several servings at once.

Take an onion, remove the dry yellow peel from it. Put in a saucepan and boil for 5 minutes. Then the container is removed from the fire and infused in a dark place for at least 3 hours. Gargle every 3 hours.

Take aloe juice and honey. Mix in a ratio of 1: 1, and gently lubricate the throat from the outside. After that, the affected area is wrapped with a woolen scarf for 3 hours. On the first day of the development of the pathological process, the procedure is repeated at least 4 times a day.

rehabilitation activities.

The doctor prescribes a rehabilitation course for those children who have a complication of the underlying disease, as well as those who have frequent relapses of purulent processes. The child should attend long-term therapeutic and preventive physical education. Special breathing exercises with deep breathing are also recommended.

Possible complications.

Purulent tonsillitis can provoke early and late complications. Early manifestations are associated with the spread of the purulent process to the organs lying next to the affected area. These include otitis media, mediastinitis. One of the rare but dangerous processes is severe swelling of the tonsils. This can lead to suffocation, especially at night.

Late complications develop several weeks after the baby is cured. These include renal failure, sepsis, rheumatic fever and others.

If relapses are frequent, acute inflammation becomes chronic. Due to the fact that the focus of inflammation is constantly located in the tonsils, pathogens constantly move through the body with blood flow, causing an inflammatory reaction in other organs.

In the chronic form of the course of the disease, as well as in the absence of positive dynamics from traditional treatment, surgical intervention is prescribed to remove the tonsils. Contraindications for surgical treatment are diabetes mellitus, heart defects of the 2nd and 3rd stages, and hemophilia.

As soon as parents notice the symptoms of purulent tonsillitis in a child, you should immediately contact an otorhinolaryngologist. Only he can prescribe adequate treatment that will bring positive dynamics and minimize the risk of complications. After recovery, it is recommended to retake urine and blood tests, as well as consult a nephrologist, immunologist and rheumatologist.

Diagnosis and properly prescribed treatment can achieve a favorable outcome of the disease. Frequent relapses and complications worsen the prognosis. Therefore, measures should be taken to stop the development of the inflammatory process.

Preventive actions.

There is no 100% effective prophylactic, however, there are a number of recommendations to reduce the likelihood of developing purulent tonsillitis.

Attention! Strengthen your immune system through hardening procedures and the inclusion of foods rich in vitamins and minerals in your diet.

The child must follow the rules of personal hygiene, since most infectious agents enter the body through the household route. Also, to strengthen immunity, they observe the regime of work and rest.

It is required to exclude hypothermia of the body and treat diseases of the oral cavity and nasopharynx in a timely manner.

Purulent tonsillitis is a common pathological condition that requires mandatory treatment. The disease presents a risk of early and late complications.

Such a thing as purulent tonsillitis is actually unknown to medicine. This phrase is used exclusively in colloquial speech, and you will not see it in the diagnosis.

According to scientific terminology, this is tonsillitis, which develops against the background of lacunar or follicular tonsillitis. The disease is severe, accompanied by pronounced symptoms and requires prompt and competent treatment.

The disease develops due to the activity of bacteria: streptococci, staphylococci, diplococci, pneumococci and others. It can be caused by a variety of factors. According to doctors, the most common causes of purulent tonsillitis in children are diseases and poor living conditions:

  • influenza viruses, parainfluenza, adenovirus;
  • general and local hypothermia of the body;
  • unfavorable ecological situation: gas pollution, air pollution, living near chemical production;
  • abrupt climate change;
  • constant dampness;
  • intoxication;
  • an excess of ultraviolet;
  • unbalanced, poor nutrition;
  • physical and emotional overwork;
  • decreased immunity;
  • frequent inflammatory processes in the nasal cavity, mouth, paranasal sinuses.

Many parents are interested in how purulent tonsillitis is transmitted in order to protect the child from the source of infection. Bacteria usually enter children on the tonsils with food or airborne droplets.

Children of preschool and primary school age get sick more often than others. Up to 1 year, the disease is very difficult and fraught with numerous complications. The sooner the clinical picture is detected, the sooner treatment will be prescribed and recovery will come.

Origin of words. The term "tonsillitis" goes back to the Latin "tonsillae" - tonsils; "angina" - to the Latin "ango" - I squeeze, squeeze; "pus" - to the Old Slavonic "σῆψις" - to rot.


Attentive parents will never miss the symptoms of purulent tonsillitis in a child, as they are very pronounced and difficult to tolerate at any age. They can be observed by the deterioration of the general condition, the baby (already speaking) will definitely complain about pain syndromes. A superficial examination of the throat and temperature measurement will help confirm the diagnosis.

The main signs of the disease:

  • severe pain when swallowing, radiating to the ear (read about diseases accompanied by sore throat, as well as their treatment);
  • it breaks and spoils the appetite, the child refuses to eat;
  • bad sleep;
  • headache;
  • sudden deterioration in general well-being, malaise: lethargy, irritability, apathy, decreased performance;
  • purulent tonsillitis is usually observed in a child with a high temperature reaching 40 ° C - this is how the infection manifests itself;
  • the temperature can not rise with purulent sore throat only if the disease is started to such an extent that it has become chronic;
  • pallor of the skin;
  • fever, cold sweat;
  • an increase in the size of the tonsils, they protrude, resembling two bright red balls; a purulent plaque forms on their surface, which can cover them entirely, but is more often localized in the form of islets;
  • enlarged lymph nodes, which are especially palpable under the lower jaw.

All these signs of purulent tonsillitis usually appear sharply and in combination. It can take only 2-3 hours from the onset of malaise to an increase in temperature. Although these indicators are very individual. It is possible to confirm the diagnosis only in the laboratory by passing several tests. Only after them the doctor will be able to prescribe treatment.

Opinions differ. As for the incubation period of purulent tonsillitis, there are several points of view. Some believe that the disease can develop literally within 1 day from the moment of infection. Others argue that at least 5 days should pass. Most likely, such a spread depends on the state of immunity of the child.


Since the course of purulent tonsillitis is very difficult from the very beginning, the child wants to be helped immediately. The first step is the differentiation of the disease with other forms of angina and SARS. To do this, the therapist or otolaryngologist conducts the following examinations.

  1. Pharyngoscopy is the main diagnostic technique for recognizing purulent tonsillitis.
  2. Assessment of the anamnesis of the disease, complaints.
  3. A swab of pus from the tonsils is sent for several types of tests at once: sowing on a nutrient medium allows you to determine the type of microorganisms, their sensitivity to a particular antibiotic; rapid antigen tests are used to detect beta-hemolytic streptococcus; PCR analysis determines the variety of microorganisms by their DNA.

To confirm the clinical picture of the disease, if purulent tonsillitis is suspected, the doctor may refer the child to general blood and urine tests. Only after the results will treatment be prescribed, and parents should initially understand that antibiotics are indispensable here.

Likbez. When diagnosing purulent tonsillitis, PCR analysis is often prescribed, which stands for polymerase chain reaction.


Self-treatment of purulent tonsillitis in children is categorically not recommended, even if the child gets sick with it too often and the parents remember perfectly well what the doctor prescribed for them last time.

The fact is that infection can occur with different microorganisms. And only sowing from a smear of pus can determine which antibiotic they are sensitive to. Therefore, therapy should be carried out only after diagnosis and by all means by a specialist.

Medical treatment

You need to understand that a child will not be able to quickly cure a purulent sore throat. For 3 days, even the most active treatment will not pass. Minimum - 7 days, maximum - 2 weeks. Even if a significant improvement occurs 2-3 days after the start of taking the prescribed medication (the temperature drops, the child becomes happier, starts eating), do not flatter yourself: microorganisms can only hide.

Therefore, you can not stop treatment, even if it seems that the disease has receded. How long the doctor says to drink this or that medicine - so much and continue to give it to the child in order to avoid new outbreaks and complications. Since the clinical picture of purulent tonsillitis is diverse, treatment is aimed at eliminating each of the symptoms.


  1. Most often, antibiotics are prescribed for purulent tonsillitis in children from the amoxicillin group in tandem with clavulanic acid: Augmentin, Amoxiclav, Ecoclave, Flemoklav Solutab.
  2. If a child is allergic to penicillins, macrolides are used: Sumamed, Hemomycin, Azitrox, Macropen.
  3. Cephalosporins for purulent tonsillitis are rarely used in children: cephalexin (Apo-Cephalex, Kefeksin, Ospeksin), cefuroxime (Aksetin, Zinnat, Cefurus), cefixime (Supraks, Pantsef). The latest generation cephalosporin Ceftriaxone is prescribed only in stationary conditions.
  4. Usually, treatment of purulent tonsillitis with antibiotics lasts at least a week.
  5. It is possible to use topical antibiotic preparations, which include the well-known Bioparox in the form of an inhaler spray. Its active ingredient is fusafungin.
  6. Sometimes sulfonamide antimicrobials Biseptol, Bactrim are used for purulent tonsillitis, but they are weak, bacteria rarely react to them. If there is no improvement for 2-3 days after their use, stronger medications are prescribed.


In addition to antibiotics, the doctor usually advises how to gargle a child with purulent sore throat up to 6 times during the day:

  1. Lugol, which has recently been produced in the form of a convenient spray for irrigating the affected pharynx. A solution of this drug can lubricate the tonsils.
  2. Antimicrobial and regenerative sprays: Cameton, Hexoral, Miramistin, Stopangin, Chlorophilipt.
  3. 3% hydrogen peroxide.
  4. 1% Yodinol.
  5. Potassium permanganate.
  6. 2% boric acid.
  7. Rotokan, Stomatofit.
  8. Furacilin solution: 1 tablet per half glass of warm water.
  9. Triple solution: iodine, table salt, baking soda, water.

Often in children under three years of age, the treatment of purulent tonsillitis is complicated by the fact that they do not know how to properly gargle and in the process they can swallow some amount of the drug. Many of them are dangerous to health when taken orally. Therefore, all kinds of lollipops are recommended for this age: Septolete, Faringosept, Grammidin, Strepsils, Strepfen, Dr. Mom, Karmolis.


Purulent tonsillitis in children is accompanied by a high temperature, which must be brought down to alleviate the patient's condition. For this, antipyretic drugs are prescribed:

  • Nurofen;
  • ibuprofen;
  • Nimesulide;
  • Panadol.

Suppositories are suitable for babies, at 2-3 years old you can already give a sweet syrup. Aspirin as an antipyretic is recommended only from the age of 12.

Folk remedies

If a child has been diagnosed with purulent tonsillitis, home treatment should be carried out only with the permission of a doctor. Even the most harmless decoction of chamomile in this case may not fit into the general scheme of therapy and slow down recovery. Usually, folk remedies involve medicinal herbs.

  • Gargling with decoctions of herbs with oils: chamomile with sea buckthorn oil, calendula with eucalyptus oil.
  • Tea with raspberry, honey, lemon, mint, rosehip, linden, thyme, cumin or anise.
  • Warm milk with honey, butter, chocolate.
  • Treatment of tonsils with propolis solution.

Treatment of purulent tonsillitis without antibiotics is impossible with herbs alone. This will provoke the development of complications and the most undesirable consequences.


All parents are eager to know how long purulent tonsillitis lasts in children so that the patient stops suffering as soon as possible. Competent care for the child during the period of illness allows you to speed up the recovery process.

  1. The patient must be isolated from the rest, as he can become a source of infection.
  2. Bed rest.
  3. A mild, non-irritating diet of puréed foods. Marinades, pickles, smoking, spicy seasonings are excluded.
  4. Vitamin therapy.
  5. Plentiful warm drink.
  6. There should not be any warming compresses on the throat: this will contribute to the reproduction of the microorganism and the further spread of the infection.

This information is provided for guidance only and not as a guide to practical actions. Only a specialist doctor can say exactly how to treat in a particular case, since they are too different and not similar to each other. Following his advice will help avoid complications, which, alas, are not uncommon after this disease.


Late or inadequate treatment can lead to a number of complications. The early consequences of purulent tonsillitis are associated with infection of tissues and organs located near the tonsils. These include:

  • paratonsillar abscess;
  • purulent lymphadenitis.

These diseases require emergency medical care, but after treatment they disappear without a trace. Much more dangerous are late complications of purulent tonsillitis in children, manifesting themselves a month after the illness. It can be:

  • arthritis;
  • rheumatic heart disease;
  • poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis.

These diseases require a very long, complex treatment, which does not always give a 100% recovery. There are cases when they end with disability. Purulent tonsillitis is the very disease that is easier to prevent than to undergo a course of therapy with the risk of complications. Prevention does not require so much effort and cost. It just needs to be constantly remembered.

For reference. Purulent tonsillitis in children often flows into a paratonsillar abscess - another type of tonsillitis, when inflammation is localized in the perialmond-shaped tissue. If this happens, you will have to re-treat with new drugs.


There are no specific preventive measures for purulent tonsillitis in children. To prevent infection, parents need to be more attentive to the health of the child. Taking care of his correct lifestyle and observance of elementary hygiene rules are the prevention of the disease. These points are probably known to all adults, but not everyone seeks to implement them:

  1. Proper nutrition.
  2. Complete rest.
  3. Compliance with the daily routine.
  4. Active lifestyle.
  5. Timely diagnosis and treatment of any diseases.
  6. General strengthening procedures (, charging).
  7. Sports.

Purulent tonsillitis in children of any age is very difficult and requires patience and endurance from them and their parents. Following the prescribed treatment without self-activity and home experiments is the real way to recovery without complications.

This insidious disease can turn into the most unexpected consequences if you refuse the same antibiotics at the first lull in symptoms. This is just the case when the lesser of two evils is chosen, i.e. antibiotic therapy, without which it is impossible to cope with a dangerous infection.

Purulent tonsillitis in children is quite common and brings little patients a lot of discomfort. You will not hear such a formulation of the diagnosis from the doctor and you will not see it in the medical record, because the true name of this disease is tonsillitis. The causative agents of this disease are streptococci and staphylococci, which attack the tonsils, soft palate and pharyngeal mucosa.

This article will discuss the causes of tonsillitis, its types and symptoms, as well as the most common and effective methods of treatment.

There are the following forms:

  • catarrhal;
  • follicular;
  • lacunar;
  • herpetic;
  • fibrinous;
  • phlegmonous;
  • necrotic;
  • ulcerative membranous.

From the entire list, we are only interested in three types of angina, in which pus is formed - follicular, lacunar and phlegmonous.

Causes of the disease

Purulent tonsillitis can be caused by a certain number of reasons, these include:

  • decreased immunity;
  • the presence of caries and / or gum disease;
  • passive smoking, prolonged inhalation of polluted air;
  • hypothermia;
  • injury to the tonsils.

Among other things, the disease is very easily transmitted by airborne droplets. It is impossible to absolutely protect a child from a person with a sore throat who will be nearby in public transport, queues or a pharmacy.


Symptoms of tonsillitis differ depending on its form.

Let's take a closer look at each of the forms and find out the possible signs:

  1. Follicular angina is characterized by acute damage to the lymph nodes. They become pronounced red, covered with a purulent coating that cannot be removed with a spatula. As the disease progresses, the foci of pus merge with each other and form abscesses. With this form of angina, the pain is pronounced, it can radiate to the ear and intensify when swallowing. There is also a high fever, chills, headache and pain in the lumbar region. The disease can provoke vomiting, diarrhea, impaired consciousness in a child. On examination, raised whitish-yellow dots can be seen on the tonsils.
  2. Symptoms of purulent tonsillitis in lacunar form differ in their severity. The body temperature rises to 40 ° C, the pain is so strong that it is difficult to open the mouth, which leads to an almost complete refusal to eat and drink. On examination, you can detect the presence of redness and swelling of the tonsils, as well as a purulent plaque of a whitish-yellow hue in the sky area, which is easy to remove.
  3. Phlegmonous tonsillitis is much less common. Often it is a complication of incorrect or untimely treatment of lacunar or follicular tonsillitis. In the case of the phlegmonous form, the pathology affects only one tonsil, it increases and becomes painful. Gradually, the abscess matures, which later opens into the oral cavity. The doctor can open the abscess, and in some cases it happens spontaneously.

Curiosity, which raises the question of what will happen if purulent sore throat is not treated, is not worth the health problems that the child will have later

Table 1: Difference from colds:

How to treat purulent tonsillitis

Therapy should be timely and combined in order to avoid the development of a number of complications, as well as the development of pathologies of the joints, kidneys and cardiovascular system. This disease does not need expensive procedures and there is no need to come up with a new treatment - Komarovsky, for example, believes that adequate nutrition, antibiotics and gargling are enough to treat angina.


  1. When purulent tonsillitis appeared, first of all, we begin with bed rest. In addition, you need to grind food to avoid additional pain when swallowing. To remove toxins from the body, the baby needs to be given plenty of fluids, but not irritating to the mucous membranes, i.e. not too hot and not too cold. For these purposes, herbal teas, fruit drinks, warm milk are suitable.
  2. Antibiotics are mandatory. Basically, penicillin preparations are prescribed, but if you are allergic to this group, macrolides can also be used. In addition, for the relief of exacerbations, bicillin-5 is also prescribed, which is administered in a course for 6 months.
  3. To reduce the temperature, symptomatic treatment is carried out with paracetamol, coldrex, nurofen.
  4. It is advisable to take children's multivitamins and natural immunomodulators. The instructions included in the kit will tell you what dosage to take vitamins according to age.
  5. Antihistamine and anti-inflammatory therapy reduces swelling and soreness in the throat, and also reduces general toxic effects.
  6. When the disease progresses, the child needs local antibiotic therapy - lozenges (Septolete, Strepsils) and sprays (Inhalipt, Oracept).
  7. Very effective folk recipes. For these purposes, rinses are suitable, which you can do with your own hands.

Folk recipes


  1. If you have never encountered this disease and have no idea how to treat it, then let's start with the basics. The simplest rinse is prepared as follows: add a teaspoon of salt and 4 drops of iodine to a glass of hot water. Rinse at least 5 times a day.
  2. The price of the ingredients is negligible, but after this procedure, the pain sensations will decrease significantly. You need to brew chamomile and calendula flowers, as well as eucalyptus. Strain, cool to an acceptable temperature and gargle every 3 hours.
  3. A good remedy: squeeze the juice from 1/3 of a lemon and dilute it in a glass of water. Rinse 2-3 times a day.

With the help of photos and videos, you will have the opportunity to learn more about the forms of purulent tonsillitis, methods of its treatment and the possible consequences of the disease for the child's body.
